Monday, March 25, 2013 all things.

This was a post from a few years ago but... worth sharing again!!!
Just the other day I was reminded that life is, in fact, delicious.

My husband and I took a day trip up the coast of Maine to visit my aunt and uncle. An uncle, who in his youth, served in the Peace Corps and who has willingly shared his life with others. An uncle, who must now acknowledge the unwelcome return of cancer. And, an aunt who has been tasked with the mission of thanksgiving…in all things.

Our ride north was breathtaking. Fall is, by far, one of my favorite seasons and its’ colorful and timely display did not disappoint. From shocking shades of red to fluorescent green, to the rich buttery yellows and spicy pumpkin-orange, it was in fact delicious.

The uncle greeted us, invited us in for tea and commented on the beauty of the day. We spent the afternoon visiting over hot cups of tea and homemade gingersnaps. The day was interspersed with short periods of rest for my uncle. Even then, we enjoyed quiet reunion with my cousin and her daughter, a young breath of life, aged 2.

My cousin prepared supper for us. It was simply prepared… infused with love. . A flavorful chicken stew, served with hearty bread, several kinds of cheese, rice crackers, ice cream with strawberry-rhubarb sauce and peach cobbler.

Dinner began with a prayer.

A prayer offered up by my uncle… giving thanks for the bounty of family and friends, for the meal prepared and our time together.

Even with our stomachs full, our taste buds tantalized, and our hearts grateful…we were all reluctant for the meal to end. It was silent act of solidarity.
No one wanted to be the first to leave, to push away from the table, to break the circle of communion, to leave the warmth of each other, and possibly miss out on the next delectable dish to come.

And who could blame us?

God has given us a life simply prepared, infused with love… and it is delicious, indeed.