Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another project ! OR Confessions of a fiber addict.

Lately, I've been on a sewing kick.

Can you believe it ? I'd forgotten how much I LOVE to sew.

In similar fashion of my yarn stash, I have an extensive cloth stash. And I'm not talking about cotton alone. I have silks and wool. Quarter-cuts and yard-lengths. Even some bolts !

What can I say ? I love fiber ! Color, textures. Bold and muted. (mostly bold !) Long luxurious pieces that will add to my wardrobe and minuscule scraps that have been saved for the "possibilities pile".

I confess. I have a SECRET cloth that carries the most beautiful cottons, practical prints and amazing batiks. New shipments arrive weekly and I am thankful I DO NOT live in close proximity to it.

My sister and I do, however, make the pilgrimage a few times a year. Each visit constitutes a "haul" as you never know when the next trip will be.

Notice I left that paragraph without sharing the name ? Let's just say it is our "great fishing spot" and leave it at that.

Recently, I made a purse/tote for a dear friend's birthday. She is an amazing person, the kind that everyone wants to be around. She is comfortable and warm like a favorite blanket you love to wrap yourself in because, it just makes you feel cozy.

The fabric I used is one of my favorites...for one of my favorite people.

See how important a fabric stash is ? You can use it for good and sew a little love.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New beginnings

The beginning of the New Year has always been a time for thoughtful reflection of the past year and to celebrate the New Year to come. Traditionally, we begin our year with lists for new endeavors or changes we’d like to make.

While scouring the Internet, I came across a top 10 New Year’s resolutions list (according to a Pittsburg, PA website). Along with spending more time with family & friends and regular exercise, people desire to learn something new in the upcoming year. This is one of my favorite resolutions! (I prefer to call it my New Year’s “list”.)

Each year I compile a list of “new things” I’d like to try. Last years list went something like this: Try new foods, raise 3 chickens (for fresh eggs), take dance lessons, read more…
You get the idea.
Well, I did try new foods, and lots of it… which is why this year’s list includes “exercise more” and three fuzzy chicks really did come to live with me in February. Oops! No outside chicken house means “stinky” family room, a not so happy family and a new home for my flock. I’m still able to get farm fresh eggs, though. I just get them from a farm.

Dance lessons were great! (I’m pretty sure my husband agrees). Even though we had only completed the beginner lessons, the few steps of the Waltz and Rumba were enough to keep us dancing all night. Hey! That could even be considered exercise!

My goal to read more was accomplished and I will include that on my list again, but I may try reading a different genre. Maybe, I’ll try some Science Fiction or a new biography.

I recently read the Change and Cherish Historical Series by author Jane Kirkpatrick . Amazing. Her words are rich, and descriptive. I was transported on a journey with the Aurora Colony. A people that tried to live in service to God and one-another. This series highlights the life of a woman struggling to find her place in this colony. Through her struggles, she finds that God, does indeed, supply all her needs and many of her desires. I highly recommend any books by this wonderful author.

Much to my delight, Jane commented on my last blog. How wonderful to hear from such an acclaimed author and inspirational woman. Thank you Jane! I can't wait to learn more about the Aurora Community