Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Knitting with purpose

Amazing how a cold day can put the importance of warmth and shelter into perspective. I really don't like being cold...and I can bet that most people feel that way.

It is winter in New England so frigid weather is to be expected. While I do enjoy the snow and some winter sports, I have learned the importance of being "dressed for the weather".

And now that I am long past the teen years, wearing a hat does seem like a smart idea.

Such a simple piece of clothing, but with a big purpose. I guess my Aunt Hazel knew this.

Aunt Hazels' fence bordered our elementary school playground and she could see (and hear) us at recess. Remember recess? The carefree fun of tag and hopscotch, snowmen and snow angels.

We were even allowed to sled down the hill (back in those days). Fun times ! One rule applied for the sledding must have proper attire. Including boots, mittens and HAT.

Most of us had our boots and mittens... but HAT ?

This is where my little Auntie played a pivitol role in our winter happiness. Thankfully, Auntie was an avid knitter of HATS.

She knit them all year long and by the time September came around, she had a huge plastic bag filled with hats of all sizes and colors. And the best part is that she made them available to us at recess.

Remember "a hat on the head, means you can sled".
Imagine the power of that hat. It could take us from watching the sledding fun, to swooshing down the hill. AND it kept us warm.Thanks Aunt Hazel.
I will tell you that my Aunt had many grandchildren, neices and nephews that attended this school, and I'm sure her hat knitting, in the beginning, was intended for us. Somehow it spilled over to our friends and classmates and then to the school.

Just recently I discovered the Save the Children campaign Knit One, Save One. Imagine the simple act of kindness in giving a hat and the impact it can make.

I know it well.

1 comment:

Timber said...

I love hats! Knit ones especially. Love the pictures, AND the story!