Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another project ! OR Confessions of a fiber addict.

Lately, I've been on a sewing kick.

Can you believe it ? I'd forgotten how much I LOVE to sew.

In similar fashion of my yarn stash, I have an extensive cloth stash. And I'm not talking about cotton alone. I have silks and wool. Quarter-cuts and yard-lengths. Even some bolts !

What can I say ? I love fiber ! Color, textures. Bold and muted. (mostly bold !) Long luxurious pieces that will add to my wardrobe and minuscule scraps that have been saved for the "possibilities pile".

I confess. I have a SECRET cloth that carries the most beautiful cottons, practical prints and amazing batiks. New shipments arrive weekly and I am thankful I DO NOT live in close proximity to it.

My sister and I do, however, make the pilgrimage a few times a year. Each visit constitutes a "haul" as you never know when the next trip will be.

Notice I left that paragraph without sharing the name ? Let's just say it is our "great fishing spot" and leave it at that.

Recently, I made a purse/tote for a dear friend's birthday. She is an amazing person, the kind that everyone wants to be around. She is comfortable and warm like a favorite blanket you love to wrap yourself in because, it just makes you feel cozy.

The fabric I used is one of my favorites...for one of my favorite people.

See how important a fabric stash is ? You can use it for good and sew a little love.


Timber said...

Lovely fabrics! And lovely bag! The flower on it is so neat.

So, do you sell your projects? (Those that aren't gifts!)

Sandy said...

I love your bag - love the flower :)